About Mount Kilimanjaro

KILIMANJARO PACKING LIST What you should bring: The following information is seen as an essential list of what you should take with you on the mountain. A supplementary list follows for extra items as well. Extra items can be extremely hard to source in Tanzania, and whilst the guides can often help out with kit this is simply not a reliable source of their equipment may be being used! Please also note that this list should be used to check off items that you have. We will also check over your kit in the pre-climb briefing to make sure you are ready for a climb- there are times when luggage does not arrive with the aircraft and in those circumstances we will do our best to make sure you are well prepared for your climb. Please try and keep your total weight of equipment on the mountain to around 15kg (30lbs) in your porter’s bag (duffel/soft bag/rucksack) knowing that you will be carrying extra 6kg in your day pack/small rucksack. Please advice us if you will be bringing more.
Large soft-sided duffel bag (70L to 90L) YES NO YES – $25
Small day pack (25L to 35L) YES NO YES – $20
Sleeping bag (3 Seasons) YES YES NO
Sleeping mat YES YES NO
Walking Poles YES NO YES – $15
Head Torch YES NO YES – $15
Wate bottles / Camelbaks (enough to hold 3L of water) YES NO YES – $5
Sunglasses YES NO YES – $5
Windproof, waterproof mountain jacket YES NO YES – $15
Long sleeved shirts YES NO YES – $5
T-shirts YES NO YES – $5
Thermal long sleeved top YES NO YES – $5
Thick long-johns / thick tights YES NO YES – $5
Warm sweaters or fleeces YES NO YES – $5
Walking trousers (lightweight cargo trousers) YES NO YES – $10
Waterproof walking trousers YES NO YES – $10
Thin outer rain jacket YES NO YES – $10
Underwear YES NO NO
Thick hiking socks (wool) – multiple pairs YES NO YES – $5
Proper hiking boots (waterproof with good YES